Today's back pain sufferers can effectively treat their pain before having to face surgery. Clugston Chiropractic’s Spinal Decompression
patients have had excellent results and were able to relieve their shooting pain, numbness and tingling caused by herniated or degenerated discs. Bulging, herniated or compressed discs often trigger pain and cause nerve interference that can greatly diminish quality of life. Spinal decompression therapy uses cutting edge technology to gently stretch the spine, creating space for compressed spinal discs to absorb vital nutrients.
During Spinal Decompression therapy, patients are comfortably secured to a cushioned table. The table then gently separates to stretch the spine for between 15 to 20 minutes. The treatments are relaxing and pain-free; many patients even take a quick nap!
Spinal Decompression Therapy is safe and affordable and has over a 90% success rate of getting people back to living their life free from pain, surgery and medication. Call us for a free consultation. You have nothing to lose but your pain!
patients have had excellent results and were able to relieve their shooting pain, numbness and tingling caused by herniated or degenerated discs. Bulging, herniated or compressed discs often trigger pain and cause nerve interference that can greatly diminish quality of life. Spinal decompression therapy uses cutting edge technology to gently stretch the spine, creating space for compressed spinal discs to absorb vital nutrients.
During Spinal Decompression therapy, patients are comfortably secured to a cushioned table. The table then gently separates to stretch the spine for between 15 to 20 minutes. The treatments are relaxing and pain-free; many patients even take a quick nap!
Spinal Decompression Therapy is safe and affordable and has over a 90% success rate of getting people back to living their life free from pain, surgery and medication. Call us for a free consultation. You have nothing to lose but your pain!