This natural essential oil remedy is safe and effective for the entire family. Diffuse before bed to fall asleep faster and have a better night’s rest, while clearing your congestion and cleaning the air. And absolutely no added chemicals! Clugston Chiropractic now has all your essential oil needs. 🍋🌿💜
With all of the brands of essential oils on the market today, you may be wondering why we chose to offer Rocky Mountain Essential Oils to our patients. We did a lot of research and decided on RMO for a few reasons.
1. Rocky Mountain Oils (RMO), founded in 2004, is a leading non-MLM purveyor of 100% pure, natural and authentic essential oils, expertly crafted blends and nutritional products. What is MLM? Multilevel Marketing, or MLM, is a system for selling goods or services through a network of distributors. Multilevel marketing is also referred to as Network Marketing or Direct Sales. -Whether you believe this type of sales is a pyramid scheme or not, MLM businesses sell products and build clientele using the pyramid model, which we at Clugston Chiropractic are not a fan of. Essential Oil companies like Young Living and doTerra both run on a MLM system. While we have tried these oils and think they are of good quality, we decided not to go this route because the MLM system often drives up the price of oils and are based on competitive sales which we are not into. We sought out a company that is interested in providing people with affordable, high quality oils and not interested in commission sales that tends to push products on people. With Rocky Mountain Oils we are able to sell near cost and there is no member commitment on your part or sales commission on ours. 2. Rocky Mountain Oils guarantees a S.A.A.F.E promise. Satisfaction Guarantee Authentic Analysis Free of Adulterants Effective and Pure Read more about their guarantee here 3. RMO offers free shipping no matter how big or small your order is and has a no cost rewards program that allows you to earn points towards your purchases. This allows us to purchase oils at the most affordable rate and sell them to our patients cheaper than they can purchase directly from the website. If you are more of an online shopper and would prefer to order directly from their company, we can still get points towards purchasing more oils for our office by referring you! If you shop online, please tell them we sent you! REFERRAL CODE: More about their shipping policy here Waking up on the "right side of the bed" can make a huge difference in the outcome of your day. Below are 8 simple and quick things you can do each morning to start your day off on the right track, all which help you lead a healthier more balanced life! ![]() 1. Drink a large glass of ice water first thing in the morning. 2. Take a multivitamin. We recommend Standard Process and Douglas Laboratories- both can be purchased in office. 3. Make your bed. 4. Eat a healthy breakfast full of good fats and protein. 5. Spend 5-10 minutes in silent meditation. 6. Exercise. Even if it is just a short walk or a few minutes of yoga! 7. Spend a few minutes outside. Drink your coffee on the porch instead of in front of the tv. A few minutes of fresh air can not only wake you up in the morning but puts your day into perspective. 8. Write a list of things you want to accomplish each day. From Spine-health By Steven G. Yeomans, DC![]() The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a type of manipulation described as follows: A spring-loaded, hand-held mechanical instrument called the Activator Adjusting Instrument provides a quick, low-force impulse at specific points. The Activator Method uses a small, hand-held instrument called the Activator Adjusting Instrument to deliver a gentle impulse force to the spine with the goal of restoring motion to the targeted spinal vertebra or joint. It is an alternative to the traditional manual form of spinal manipulation, known as the high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust. Next to the Diversified technique, the Activator Adjusting Instrument is reported to be the most common therapeutic intervention used by chiropractors.1 Read the full article here:
![]() As new parents, this study hit all too close to home. Now that Liam is eating solids, we are always thinking about what we are putting in his body- low salt and sugar, organic produce, well-balanced meals, etc. At 6 months, we jumped right into solid food and decided to follow a Baby Led Weaning approach. We have enjoyed watching Liam explore different tastes and textures while getting the nutrition he needs to nourish his little, growing body. Although we prefer the ease of feeding him what we eat instead of preparing him a separate meal or spoon-feeding him jars of baby food, there are times when we are on the go or need something quick, and premade baby food is simply the easy option. Therefore, we also have a cabinet stocked full of pouches, puffs and teething crackers. All organic and BPA free brands such as Happy Baby, Plum Organics and Earths Best. So we were quite shocked and disappointed upon the news of this latest study by the nonprofit organization, The Clean Label Project, which has recently tested and found high and possibly unsafe levels of lead, arsenic and BPA in many of our favorite baby food brands. According to an article published by USA Today, many organic baby food brands and formula are not as safe as these companies have led us to believe. "The Clean Label Project, a nonprofit advocating for transparent labeling, tested baby food, infant formulas, toddler drinks and snacks purchased within the past 5 months. The group, which did not publish findings in a peer-reviewed journal, looked at top-selling formulas and baby food using Nielsen data, and also included emerging national brands. After about 530 baby food products were tested, researchers found 65% of products tested positive for arsenic, 36% for lead, 58% for cadmium and 10% for acrylamide. All of these chemicals pose potential dangers to developing infants". You can read the full article here Visit the Clean Label Project website here where you can find a list of the best and worst performers based on their state of the art laboratory testing. While alarming, do not panic! It is unlikely that the amount of baby food the average baby eats would contain enough of these chemicals to do longterm damage. Unfortunately, arsenic and lead occur naturally in our environment and we will all be exposed to a certain amount in our lifetime. Rather, this information should help you make better decisions about what you put in your children's mouths to limit their exposure as much as possible and provide them with the healthiest diet we can. We also need to think about holding the food industry accountable and not letting them get away with misrepresenting data on their packaging to make their products more appealing, especially when this food is being given to the most innocent and vulnerable group in our society- our babies. -Clugston Chiropractic ![]() Back pain is an expensive health problem for both patients and businesses. A 2012 study reported that we spend about $635 billion on pain every year, with a significant amount of that spent on back pain. Over the years, quite a few studies have shown that chiropractic care is more effective for back pain than medical care, plus chiropractic patients spend less money on their care than medical patients do. Because back pain is such a common problem, a group of Canadian researchers recently investigated the role that the type of primary caregiver has on financial compensation. This was a large study of 5,511 patients who experienced a work-related back injury in Ontario, Canada. The patients saw the following providers for their first visit:
The study found that chiropractic patients had the shortest amount of time receiving compensation for their pain and also were less likely to have a recurrence. In addition, chiropractic patients didn’t need to see other healthcare providers for their pain. 75% of chiropractic patients saw no other provider, while 58.6% of physical therapy patients also saw a medical doctor. The authors conclude: “The type of healthcare provider first visited for back pain is a determinant of the duration of financial compensation during the first 5 months. Chiropractic patients experience the shortest duration of compensation, and physiotherapy patients experience the longest.” Blanchette M, Rivard M, Dionne CE, et al. Association between the type of first healthcare provider and the duration of financial compensation for occupational back pain. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2016 Sep 17. Written by: Michael Melton ChiroNexus Chiropractors are trained as neuromusculoskeletal specialists, and one of the main focuses of chiropractic care is the positive impact it can have on a person's nervous system.
1. Migraines and tension headaches 2. Stress and anxiety 3. Fibromyalgia 4. Weak immune systems 5. Flexibility Read the entire article here #1: Lose weight
#2: Pro Health because it is Anti-inflammatory-microbial-bacterial-etc. #3: Stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels #4: Lowers risk of heart disease #5: Boosts thyroid function #6: Kills Candida Fungus #7: Will help give you a flat belly Click here to read the full article |